- If you have eaten garlic and want to get rid of the “bad smell”, chew 2-3 roasted coffee beans or several aniseeds or some parsley leaves, an apple or cardamon.
- To improve olive oil that is going stale, add dill. To recondition foul-smelling olive oil, add coriander and raisins.
- If you have accidentally added more salt than required to a soup, add a raw potato and let it boil for another 15 minutes. Remove the potato and then serve the soup.
- No matter what you do, never ever put tomatoes in the fridge. Their exquisite tastes and flavors will disappear in a blink of the eye.
- Do not reheat phyllo-based dishes in the microwave. They will become gummy and soggy. Place the pieces of pie in a shallow pan and loosely cover with foil. Leave in a preheated oven (200 degrees Celsius or 375 degrees Fahrenheit) for about 10 minutes (until heated through).
- Wash strawberries with their green little caps; this will prevent water going into their flesh, which will cause a great part of their aroma to be lost.
- Fresh eggs can be kept in the fridge for a maximum of two weeks. A boiled egg, with its shell, can be preserved in the fridge for four days, without its shell, for two.
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