
Black risotto with truffles and leaves of gold, lobster and cockles

Even the spelling of the full name of the dish seams a challenge!An awesome colorful dish, able to satisfy the most sophisticated palate.

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2 cups of rice for risotto
1 kg. fresh cuttlefish (with their ink)
1 lt. white wine
a little olive oil
4 medium onions
16 cockles chopped
4 lobsters with their pincers (400 gr. each)
2 carrots
2 leeks
140 gr. Parmesan cheese
oil scented with truffles and thyme
bay leaf
leaves of gold for decoration
salt and pepper


  • Marinate the rice in 2 liters of water and 1 liter of wine, leave for 1 hour and strain.
  • Keep the marinade on the side.
  • Clean cuttlefish, keep the ink pouches and cut into long strips.
  • Saute the fish with the onions. Add the ink and half the amount of rice marinade.
  • Leave to boil on a low heat until fish cooks and soaks up the juice. Just before turning the heat off add salt and pepper.
  • Open up the cockles, clean and remove flesh, keeping the juice.
  • Clean and boil the lobsters in the remaining rice marinade adding a little water.
  • Add thyme, bay leafs, cloves, an onion, the carrots and leaks to the marinade and put in the lobsters.
  • Boil for 6-10 minutes (depending on their size). Keep the juice.
  • Over a low heat put into a saucepan the rice, olive oil, a cup of warm juice, salt and pepper.
  • Leave to boil for a while and add one more cup of juice.
  • When it boils, again, pour in the cuttlefish with the juice.
  • Continue to add juice so that the risotto turns out juicy and sticky.
  • Before serving mix in the parmesan with the truffle scented olive oil. Try for salt.
  • Garnish with lobster meat and pincers, the leaves of gold and the cockles having grilled them or fried them for about 2 minutes on each side.


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