
Chicken with Herbs and Wild Greens

This chicken recipe is simple and easy to make; the yogurt, herbs and greens give this dish a refreshing edge. Make sure you buy free range chicken for a healthier meal and a better taste!

Average: 3 (5 votes)


2 chicken breasts
2 cups of herbs and wild greens julienne cut (parsley, dill, mint, marjoram, basil)
4 tbsp drained yogurt
2 tbsp mayonnaise
juice from one lemon
salt & pepper


  • Chopthe herbs and greens in julienne.
  • Pestle the chicken breasts until flat.

Preheat oven to 200°C

1. Combine the mayonnaise with the yogurt, lemon juice and greens.

2. Season both chicken breaste on both sides. Spread the mixture on one of the chicken breasts and cover it with the other attaching them using toothpicks to hold them together. Wrap both chickens in aluminum foil (which are now arranged sandwich-like) and then cook in oven for 30 minutes.

3. Let chicken cool down and serve cut in slices over a bed of fresh salad or potato purée.