Magical Chestnut Fevgato
Δημοσιέυτηκε: Tue, 04/29/2003 - 00:00 || Ενημερώθηκε: Sun, 08/04/2013 - 02:47
This airy and delicate mousse topped with the incredibly delicious mango sauce is magical!
1 kg mashed chestnuts
100 cc black rum
some vanilla
200 cc milk
8 sheets of gelatine soaked in water
1 kg whipped cream without sugar
250 g various fruits
150 gr mango sauce
1. Thin out the mashed chestnut in the blender with the rum, the vanilla and the warmed milk.
2. Then add the gelatine, which has been soaking in water and finally add the whipped cream.
3. Shape the chestnut mousse in a small cup and turn it upside down on a plate, then pour the mango sauce and garnish with fruits of your liking.
You can find tins of mashed chestnuts in the good super markets